5 reasons why owning a bike in Hawaii is Beneficial

BY HELEN HWANG / Kalamalama Staff

Everything about a bike is good for you. (Courtesy Pixabay)

Bicycling is a low impact, environmentally friendly and cost-effective mode of transportation.

Whether you’re commuting to work, running errands, or just exploring your local area, cycling can bring many benefits to your health, environment, and wallet.

Here are five reasons why you should own a bike in Hawaii.

1. Exercise

  1. Cycling is a great form of physical activity that can help you stay fit, reduce stress, and improve your overall health. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , cycling for just 20 minutes a day can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.
  2. Burning Calories and Lose Weight: Biking can help with weight loss.  According to the Better Health Channel,   A 30 minute bike ride can burn up to 300 calories, depending on the intensity of the ride. Cycling can also help boost metabolism and increase muscle mass, leading to improved overall health and weight loss.
  3. According to the National Library of Medicine, Relieve Stress and Boost Mental Health: Regular exercise, including cycling, has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety and improve mental health. Cycling can also provide a sense of freedom and liberation, helping to clear the mind and reduce stress.
  4. According to the According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , Reduce the Risk of Chronic Diseases: Regular physical activity, such as cycling, has been linked to reduce risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and certain types of cancer. By incorporating biking riding into your daily routine, you can improve your overall health and reduce your risk of these serious health conditions.
  5. Lower the Environmental Footprint: owning a bike is an environmentally friendly mode of transportation. According to the European  Cyclist  Federation, Biking instead of driving helps to reduce air pollution greenhouse gas emissions, making it an eco-friendly choice for individual who are concerned about the environment.

2. Environmental Benefits:

  1. Riding a bike instead of driving a car can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier planet. Cycling generates zero emissions and helps reduce air pollution, which is a major problem in many cities. According to the European Cyclists’ Federation , biking produces 95% less CO2 emissions per kilometer compared to driving.
  2.  The Union of Concerned Scientist : This organization provides research and analysis on how biking reduces the number of cars on the road and contributes to a healthier environment by reducing air and noise pollution. 
  3. The World Health Organization: This global health agency recognizes the environmental benefits of biking, such as reducing air pollution and promoting physical activity.
  4. Lastly, The nation institute for Transportation and Communities: This institute conducts research on how biking can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve the health of communities.

3. Cost Savings:

Owning a bike can save you a significant amount of money compared to owning and operating a car. Bikes are relatively inexpensive to purchase and maintain, and you don’t have to pay for gas or insurance.

Save your budget. ((Courtesy Giphy)

According to The Bike League (https://bikeleague.org/sites/default/files/Bike_Month_Guide.pdf ), the average cost of owning a bike is just $308 per year, compared to the average cost of owning a car, which is over $8,000 per year.

4. Improved Mental Health:

Cycling can also be good for your mental health. Studies have shown that cycling can boost mood, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

Makes you healthy and strong. (Courtesy Giphy)

According to the Mental Health Foundation , regular physical activity such as cycling can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and improve overall mental health.

5. Increased Independence:

Having a bike gives you the freedom and independence to go wherever you want, whenever you want. You don’t have to worry about traffic, parking, or public transportation schedules. According to The Bike League , biking can save you up to 40 hours a year in commuting time compared to driving.

In conclusion, owning a bike is a smart choice that can bring numerous benefits to your health, environment, and wallet. From exercise and mental health to cost saving and independence, there are many reasons why you should consider adding a bike to your daily routine.

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