6 reasons why drinking tea is beneficial

Earl grey, lavender, oolong, and matcha.

What do these words have in common? They are all variations of tea.

I come from a long line of tea drinkers on both sides of my family from my mother’s family in Los Angeles, California and my father’s family in New Orleans, Louisiana. So it’s naturally fitting that I’m a tea enthusiast.


I didn’t start consuming tea until high school and I never turned back. Since then I have enjoyed a variety of teas and my tea appreciation has only increased, which led me to have nightly tea times with my cat back home and now with my roommates in Hawaii.

As a freshman at Hawaii Pacific University, I practically had my own mini tea collection in my dorm. Tea has been consumed by a variety of people and various cultures for thousands of years. There are a multitude of benefits to drinking tea ranging from being good for your physical and mental health to it being cost effective and having a variety to it improving your appearance while also being a good alternative to coffee.

1. It’s good for your physical health

Many different types of teas can help with various health problems. One health benefit is that it can help with your digestive system.

Peppermint tea contains methanol and can help soothe an upset stomach. Rooibos tea helps with blood pressure and can improve blood circulation.

It also can boost good cholesterol and lower bad cholesterol. Hibiscus tea can also help to lower blood pressure and fat levels and it can also improve your liver health.

Another reason is that it can help boost your immune system. That’s why it’s usually suggested to drink tea when you’re sick and ginger tea is a good one to improve your immune system.

Another benefit is that it helps to keep the body hydrated and gives energy boosts when needed. At times it could be a better alternative to water because it can hydrate your body but also contains enough caffeine unlike water to help keep you going.

2. It’s good for your mental health

Drinking tea aids in calming your body. Oolong tea, for one, contains L-theanine which is an amino acid that reduces anxiety and increases alertness and attention. Chamomile tea aids in reducing stress and improves sleep and relaxation and lavender tea is another one that helps with this and it also has a fragrant aroma. Studies by the Canadian Mental Health Association have shown that participants that have consumed multiple cups of either oolong or black tea have greatly reduced their stress levels.

3. It’s cost effective

You can pretty easily purchase tea at any grocery tea or supermarket. It isn’t expensive and only costs a couple of bucks for a box. It’s also simple to make because you can use a stove, microwave, or an electric kettle.

4. It’s easy to try something new

There are many types of tea, over 3,000 to be exact so you can never become bored with it. There are a variety of teas such as white, black, herbal, etc. that also range in flavors. And there are variations within that- for black tea there’s earl grey and English breakfast tea. For herbal tea there’s white rose and lavender.

5. It can improve your appearance

Drinking tea can help improve your skin complexion and can possibly help with clearing acne.

Many teas are rich in anti-inflammatory properties and contain a lot of antioxidants which help reduce the aging process and regenerate cells. So it leaves your skin looking fresh and plump and gives you an overall youthful appearance.

Consuming black tea can protect your skin from environmental damage, fight bacteria and hydrate and nourish your skin.

White tea is antibacterial and helps to prevent dullness, wrinkles, age spots, and sagging skin. It can also help to regulate your body weight because tea is low in calories and can be substituted in place of sugary drinks.

Green tea is good for this and aids in weight loss and metabolism.

6. It’s a good alternative to coffee

If you’re not a huge fan of coffee, tea can be a good alternative. Black tea, green tea and oolong all contain caffeine.

Green tea is a good source of energy and the effects can be longer lasting than coffee. It doesn’t make you jittery or have that crashing feeling when the caffeine wears off.

Also, caffeine levels can vary depending on the type of tea and how long you have to steep it. It doesn’t stain your teeth as badly as coffee can when you drink it in moderation without additives such as sugar.

OVERALL, tea is an amazing drink because of its many benefits it can offer for both your mental and physical health and is a good alternative if you’re not a fan of coffee. It can help to improve your appearance, and is cost effective so you can find it everywhere. And there’s a lot of variety among tea, so that you’re sure to find a tea that’s suited to your liking.

And, according to the Mad Hatter, “ It’s always time for tea.”

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