Emily Harrison: HPU Graduates Meet and Greet

No one should be afraid of their next chapter in life, no matter what has lead up to it, remember that it is indeed the next chapter. Not the end of the story.

HPU had their very first meet and greet, Friday, February 23rd, 2024. The conference consisted of some alumni and some local networks.

Although this conference was for graduates, it’s just as important for undergraduates to hear the messages that were given.

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Emily Harrison: Hi, It’s Me!

I’ve always had a passion for writing, and I want one day to possibly work part time editing/publishing. The editing and publishing minor is a minor I have never heard of, but it has actually given me a lot of experience I wasn’t aware I needed. One day I do hope to publish books of my own, and if I could not only write, but aid in the editing and publishing of it, it would be a dream come true. I think it’s very important for students/ people to have some writing in their life. Writing is a way to express yourself, and it also unleashes potential and passion some of us aren’t even aware we have.

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