Emily Harrison: Wanderlust Launch Party

Wanderlust is both a class and a literary magazine published by HPU. And on Thursday March 21st, they had a launch party for this year’s issue!
Many pieces brought emotion to me, there’s so many I can’t list them all, but you should definitely check them out.
If you like creating pieces or want to strengthen your ability to do so, you should check this class out.

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Emily Harrison: HPU Libraries Host Escape Room Event

Escape rooms have been buzzing in the past decade. They have increased tremendously in popularity (especially with young adults) over the years.

And most people will want a review on the escape room HPU just held. And they’ll get one.

But first: upon hearing from the staff and participants, the library staff at Hawaii Pacific University needs to be thanked for all of the effort they put into the events for the students at HPU.

So, thank you to the Library Faculty members at HPU.

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