Emily Harrison: A Heluhelu of Poetry

Aloha everyone. I’m unsure if anyone from the school, other than the honors students and faculty, knows who Brandy McDougall is, but she is a Hawaii State Poet Laureate.

 She’s published two poetry books: “Finding Meaning”, and “Birth Land.” At these conferences, she discussed and read from “Birthland” which was honestly quite moving, quite passionate. She brought tears to herself and to her audience.

Especially for a school-based poetry reading conference, I thought it was quite endearing.

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Emily Harrison: Self Defense Tactics

As part of SA awareness month, I believe that taking further precautions to protect yourself is an absolute necessity.
I do believe these few moves, if you can remember them in a high-intensity and stressful situation, may give you a better chance of not only life but getting away from your attacker.
With that thought in mind, it’s important to remember that taking further lessons, improving your strength and self-awareness, and above all else, keeping yourself out of harmful situations, is best for keeping yourself safe.

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Emily Harrison: International English Honor Society

I do believe in the old saying, “actions speak louder than words.”

Of course they do. But what most fail to realize, is that words leave a bigger impact. Words, are a foundation of which a society is built. Words transform the world into something worthwhile.

Sigma Tau Delta has made it their mission to further interest and further education in both literature and the English language.

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Emily Harrison: Wanderlust Launch Party

Wanderlust is both a class and a literary magazine published by HPU. And on Thursday March 21st, they had a launch party for this year’s issue!
Many pieces brought emotion to me, there’s so many I can’t list them all, but you should definitely check them out.
If you like creating pieces or want to strengthen your ability to do so, you should check this class out.

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