Emily Harrison: Review of Women
Sometimes we don’t all get what we have worked for, but in some cases its better that way. take a break and learn all about the ins and outs of this fall’s play, Women.
Sometimes we don’t all get what we have worked for, but in some cases its better that way. take a break and learn all about the ins and outs of this fall’s play, Women.
I have hundreds of books in my collection, and I am very bad at reading them.
But, despite that fact, I have read quite a few books, and I will gladly give my review on them.
North shore is like an escape on the island. Sometimes being down in Honolulu or even Waikiki is just, simply, too much. There’s so much noise, too much light, too much human development.
It’s too much.
Sometimes, you just need to get away and remember where you are.
We are on an island. So why doesn’t it feel like that?
Well, a trip to North Shore will cure that city sickness right away.
Aloha everyone. I’m unsure if anyone from the school, other than the honors students and faculty, knows who Brandy McDougall is, but she is a Hawaii State Poet Laureate.
She’s published two poetry books: “Finding Meaning”, and “Birth Land.” At these conferences, she discussed and read from “Birthland” which was honestly quite moving, quite passionate. She brought tears to herself and to her audience.
Especially for a school-based poetry reading conference, I thought it was quite endearing.
Are you struggling with senioritis? Does the thought of freedom, so close, discourage you from wanting to do any work? Are you an underclassman experiencing the symptoms of senioritis? Don’t worry loves I got you.
You know that feeling you get when you walk into a classic dinner? The kind of nostalgia that brings you back to a life you never actually knew. The kind of life that made the world seem small enough to comfort you.
That’s what Betty’s Burgers does for me.
There is something new coming! Something reused, recycled, responsible. Something creative and sustainable.
A handcrafted, student engaged, one of a kind mural.
Crafted by the lovely members of LSF at HPU.
In a few weeks, the Makerspace will be adding a new piece of art to their collection.
Wanderlust is both a class and a literary magazine published by HPU. And on Thursday March 21st, they had a launch party for this year’s issue!
Many pieces brought emotion to me, there’s so many I can’t list them all, but you should definitely check them out.
If you like creating pieces or want to strengthen your ability to do so, you should check this class out.
Alone on a Saturday night? Or worse, are you with your friends but the parties and clubs sound like torture?
Well, congrats, you’re just like me, but lucky for you I got a way to fix that!
I for one, love a place where there’s lots of food, lots of places to sit, and most importantly lots of dogs.
Do you like being shown around so you can ask questions? Do you like informational guides as you explore new places?
Does your answer depend on the place at hand?
How about a campus tour? Would you ever go on one?
Or, more importantly for my fellow students, would you ever lead a campus tour?