There is something new coming! Something reused, recycled, responsible. Something creative and sustainable.
A handcrafted, student engaged, one of a kind mural.
Crafted by the lovely members of LSF at HPU.
In a few weeks, the Makerspace will be adding a new piece of art to their collection.
What’s New With HPU
There is a new mural coming to Atm, curtesy of LSF. As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, that is the “Leaders for a Sustainable Future,” a new and bustling club here at HPU.
If you’re wanting to join, you absolutely still can!
If you’d rather not, don’t worry, you can still participate in events like this. Or other events that are soon to come!
They are still finishing up their first big project!
Leigha Dick, the president of LSF, was very careful to ask everybody about their thoughts about the mural, what they would like to do, how to incorporate more of the colors and plastics that they found, etc.

When I walked into the room, the energy was fun and creative. You know the kind of energy that makes you want to giggle and color in pictures?
The room was alive with island reggae music, and a few were dancing and singing along.
The rest were chilling and gluing down some plastics.
I didn’t realize until about a minute in that everyone stopped caring about their hands and instead of using the wooden sticks to spread the plaster, they were going hands deep into the glue, and spreading it out without any tools.
Those people are the epitome of college kids everywhere. Simply out of cares to give.

I wasn’t one of those people.
I was okay with just working off other people’s spots, and taking pictures, and asking questions, and observing.
I don’t need the dried paste stuck to me on the bus ride home.
Big Blue
Anyone is welcome to participate in the mural, and anyone is welcome to join us at the unveiling in a couple weeks.
The mural will be a depiction of the Hawaiian island chain, made entirely out of recycled and recovered plastics.

These plastics were collected from a beach clean-up LSF hosted a couple weeks ago.
The art itself is made with an assortment of blue, green, white, and back plastics found along Kailua Beach Park.
The mural announcement will be in a week or two to come, but for now, we can enjoy the process and the thought behind it.
With the plastics that do not get used for the mural, they will be incorporating them into another project down the road.
Don’t worry, we will not be throwing them back out.
It Can Depend On You
If they do end up hosting another beach clean up, you don’t have to be part of the club to join! Jump on in and collect some trash!
It’s fun!
I’m a scavenger myself, and I like the competition of who can find the most random crap on the beach.
Make it a contest with your friends, make a difference in a competitive way!
If you’re sad you missed this, LSF will be doing more events like this in the future, and you don’t have to be a member of the club to make a difference!
Even removing the smallest bit of plastic can undo a chain reaction.
Helping out at a sustainability event can help spread awareness and inspiration.
Be sure to keep out for updates on the events for LSF, not only for earth week events, but for future projects such as the mural!
Can you think of more ways LSF can help spread sustainability around the school and Hawaii itself? Reach out and tell a member, or an officer. Join the club! Spread the news! Say something! Speak out.