BY JULIA HAWKINS / Kalamalama Staff
Who are you?
Most will start by answering with your name, then your age, where you live, the job you have, then where you grew up.
You’re writing a story.
Many of us may not be proud of our stories. Some of us might not even like our stories at all.
Maybe we don’t like where we grew up, maybe we don’t have good childhood memories, maybe you’ve disliked everything about your life up until this point.
Maybe you’re stuck in the past, fixated on a certain part of life. Stuck, unable to move on and let go. Continuing to write the story of your past will keep you trapped in the constant loop.
Once you become aware that you’re writing a story you’ll be able to shift the focus of your thoughts from what you don’t want to what you do.
Write the story of your future, the future you dream about.
Don’t tell the story of your past, don’t begin by describing the surface level aspects about yourself. You are not your name, you are not your body. Your body is your physical home for your soul, while you experience the gift of life.
Everything you could ever dream of lies at the palm of your hand, it’s all up to you.
Now, let’s try this again: Who are you?
Write the story of the life you dream of. Describe your values, what you love, the dreams you one day aspire to achieve.
It can be so easy to get caught up in all of life’s dramas. We tend to get hyper fixed on the bad days. We overthink what we could have done better.
The truth is, you won’t ever be able to change the past.
There is a saying: yesterday is the past, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, and that’s why they call it the present.
You hold the pen, you are the illustrator of your life. The pen flows where your thoughts go.
What life do you wish to create for yourself?
For many of us, these questions don’t even cross our minds, but think about it for a moment. Truly think about it. What is your dream life? Do you even believe that you have the power to create it?
That’s the first step. Figuring out where you stand and what you believe in.
You can only create so much before your limiting beliefs begin to hold you back. Let your mind be free. Let the creativity and the ideas flow.
Once you do this, you’ll begin to notice a shift in your energy. You may notice you begin to feel more aligned with your true values. Maybe your creativity spikes.
This all is a result of not holding back your creative energy and just allowing it to flow.
Your vision will become clear. You’ll see your true self. You’ll know who you are.
Going back and answering so called “tough” questions won’t feel so tough anymore.
The next time someone asks you, “who are you?” you’ll have a clear confident answer.
Julia Hawkins is a senior at Hawaii Pacific University studying Arts and Markets. Follow her on instagram at @iamjuliahawkins.