Daniel Johnson: Sunday Thoughts

6 years ago I started my first year of college. Now I am in my last semester before I graduate. I have learned a lot along the way, more so outside of school than I would like to admit but I guess that’s just the way life goes. I did not think that when I started college that it would take me 6 years to graduate, but everyone has their own path and their own journey.  I have made a lot of unforgettable memories and unbelievable mistakes and I am so thankful for everyone. I am a big believer in making mistakes and learning from them. I am also a big believer in making mistakes instead of not doing anything at all. I want to live my life knowing that I tried and I failed rather than going the rest of my life wondering. I have attended college in 4 different states(Ohio, Arizona, New Mexico, and Hawaii) and it is safe to say that I ended up in the right place. In my college career I have had 3 different majors( Criminal Justice, Business, Communication). I always say that in another life I was a business major but in this life I had a 7am math class that was a 25 minute walk from my dorm in Akron, Ohio. And it was always below 40 degrees and I could not muster the strength for that walk. So I inevitably failed that math class which led me to change my major to communications so I didn’t have to take a math class anymore. I am excited to finally graduate college but I am also pretty nervous. I have been lucky enough to evade adult life and continue my college career but now I am at the end of the road and I am still unsure of what I want to do with my life. Do I take a gap year and travel and live my life to the fullest without having to worry about a job? Do I get a job so I can start to focus on my career even though I don’t even know what I want to do for my career? Do I stay in Hawaii or do I move back home to Arizona? There is a lot of questions that I don’t have the answer to and as scary as it sounds, it is also equally exciting. Because for the first time in my life, I don’t know what comes next. 

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